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Nofri Bakri
Dody Muhammad Yusuf
Yunita Sulistiawati
Zurtina Elya
Darmansyah Darmansyah
Demina Demina


This study aims to determine the Learning Design Models. This study uses library research, also known as the library research method. The library study method is an approach in which the search for reference sources or data is carried out using written works as reference sources. The choice of this method in compiling the study is because the focus is not on statistical data or numbers, but rather is more oriented towards texts containing theories, concepts, or thoughts from various experts in the form of journals, books. Learning Design and learning models always change according to the times and changes in social transformation because time always moves forward. However, the nature and existence of learning cannot be separated from students, teachers and their context. In principle, learning is a process of interaction between students and teachers and the entire context of the existence and life of students and teachers. Learning is also a process that is directed so that learning outcomes can be achieved as well as a behavioral process obtained through various learning experiences. That is why it is important for a teacher to prepare everything related to the learning that will be carried out for students. The preparation starts from the Learning Plan or Design, Learning Models to Learning Evaluation. The substance of all of that is what and how to direct students in the learning and teaching process so that students will be active, enjoyable, and meaningful when learning. Thus, learning design models are important factors that must be identified, applied and developed in supporting a learning process.

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